Robert Frost's wonderful poem has been an inspiration to decades of poetry lovers--including me. But this particular Road Less Traveled is for real. My friend's Allen and Kathy, known by the handle of Tour Retired are currently on a five month tour of the Western U.S. and then up to Alaska where they will tour as long as the weather holds. Allen is a camera buff and superb photographer who uses several cameras; he uploads photos weekly to a company called Smug Mug where you get a whole lot more than photos. He posts when he can get a connection, that is. The site gives you all the details about camera settings, etc. If you would like to follow along pictorially with Kathy, Allen and their dog Scruffy in VanGo, just check on the link above and go to Vacations. They went for a whole year around the U.S. another time. They also print a weekly trip report to family and friends so we get to feel like we are vicariously traveling with them.
Keeping a travel journal is as varied as the person on the trip as those of us who keep them know. I tend to write, draw, insert found objects, travel brochures, etc., but Kathy and Allen's cyberway of recording their journey sure works for me--and then some. Another interesting site I tripped across for travel journals is Independent Traveler. Spare time on your hands? Ha! As if anyone really had any. But if you do, it's an interesting site.