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This I know from weblogging a few years. Say anything about sex in your title line and all kinds of hits come out of the woodwork. Sorry, to disappoint those who are visiting for salacious soft porn; this is more about belly laughs. But let me tell you whippersnappers out there something: wanting intimacy and, yes, sex, does not magically disappear when you begin getting your senior discount at Denny’s. Most the males, regardless of age, over at and Yahoo Personals, are predominately looking for more than quiet dinners and walks on the beach.
I did myself in my early '60s and it did not work for me. Let’s face it; most men my age are looking for women 20 years their junior—and many of them will be successful finding them. I thought about writing a book, however, because some of the experiences were so damned funny. If anyone knows of such a book, let me know!
Many of my friends have tried the cyberdating scene—and a few have been successful to the point of marriage, but you just have to be ready to kiss 500 frogs before the prince comes along—and the guys feel the same way, I’m sure. My friend Ellie made this astute observation recently—and I hope it makes you laugh like it did me.
In reading profiles and looking at photos of potential dates, she said these were her deal breakers:
*Separated but not yet divorced. Umm, dry out before you get wet again, OK?
*Guys who demand long hair. Oh grow up.
*Has a waist smaller than my thigh.
*Picture is in tank top, no shirt, operating a boat, in front of their
sports car/morotcycle, skiing, or wearing sunglasses. And especially if it
has a woman's hand on the shoulder or part of her head on his, cut out. If
you can't find someone to take a new photo, you must not have any friends
and that's a clue to your social fertility.
*Any of the following words/phrases in the ad are deal breakers:
Daily Gym (in the same sentence)
Trying to quit
Jesus as my personal saviour
So, for any of you who have tried the route, what deal breakers do you have? And guys, what deal breakers do you have when you read those female profiles?
I'm attempting to be light with this post, but I also know that most people are desperately seeking soulmates, no matter their age. What I personally would look for, if I were looking, is someone who doesn't need me to support him, is a skilled conversationalist who would occasionally let me get a word in edge-wise, was not a control freak about every little detail, thought life was more than TV, looked at life with humor, believed in God or an operating principal of a higher being, wanted to blend adult families, and would accept me for who I am--slightly overweight and of a certain age, a bit of a worry wart, funny sometimes to the point of zaniness, compulsive about things I really like to do, and kind of squirrely about hanging out in large cocktail chatter crowds. In the meantime, I've come to cherish friendships--and who knows? Maybe at some lecture, or concert, or art show, "HE" will appear and initiate a two-way conversation. I pretty much do what interests me these days and if there is to ever be a Mr. Right again, maybe he'll be there, too. Don't get me wrong--I'm all for sex, but I wonder how many people are out there seeking sex when they really want love? I really want your opinions on this post!
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