I don't recommend blogs very often, but I'm recommending Peacebang, Unitarian Universalist minister Rev. Victoria Weinstein's, today. I heard about this blog and her second blog, Beauty Tips for Ministers on NPR’s Weekend America last month.
The header at PeaceBang says: The manic mind of the minister, Auntie Mame looking for Cotton Mather, blogging about Unitarian Universalism, UU spiritual practices, occasional cultural and political raving, and the inner life of ministry. PeaceBang is the alter-ego of a small town pastor serving an historic New England Unitarian Universalist congregation.
The header at Beauty Tips for Ministers says: Because you’re in the public eye, and God knows you need to look good.
Check her out and let me know what you think. She’s got a golf shirt story from another pastor linked to today’s Beauty Tips for Ministers that really made me smile. But whoever said the professional religious all come out of the same mold?
I have visited the Palos Verdes UU Church when there is a sermon or lecture that interests me and although it doesn't appeal to me from a liturgical standpoint, I have always been impressed with what goes on there and with the congregation. They are cutting-edge in social justice. And one of my favorite bloggers, Ric Masten, is also a UU minister. I once went to a week's retreat at deBenneville Pines in the San Bernardino Mountains where Ric and his wife Billie were our hosts--and Billie Barbara initiated all of us "older women" into cronehood. If you check Ric's site, Billie's The Crone Zone," is linked. And now that I think about it, my favorite expert in the field of dream interpretation, Jeremy Taylor, is also a UU minister.