During this time of year, there are so many projects, families and children to support, but I had a unique experience today. When we were raising our children in North Torrance, CA way back when, we were in a tract with many families—and the family across the street became close, life-long friends. Susie was the eldest daughter of that family and she is married now with three children of her own. She also is co-owner of Fowler & Moore Interiors in Torrance, CA. Her mom and dad, Jo and Mel, are still dear friends of mine, and our children stay in touch with each other, too.
Some years back, Susie and some of her friends founded a mother-daughter group they call Ek Kardia, which in Greek means “from the heart”! The purpose of this biblically based organization is to provide mothers and their daughters opportunities to enrich their relationship while serving our community.
Today was the first day of a two-day holiday boutique held at Susie’s home with 20% of the proceeds benefiting a local non-profit, Community’s Child in Lomita, CA. It is a South Bay Transitional Living and Support Program for Homeless Women With Infants. Ek-Kardia supports various non-profits in the community. Community's Child works in cooperation with local businesses, foundations, corporations, churches, families in completing construction of “Building Hope,” the little house that has grown into a place for the moms and babies to stay.
If I hadn’t dropped by Susie’s house today, I would not have known of either group. And besides seeing Susie again, her mom Jo was working, too, and we found time to visit. Sometimes the world seems like such a harsh place, especially when you watch and read the news, but then an event happens like today where you realize that so many people out there are working very hard to make the world a better place.