What a beautiful day this was--the sun was shining and it felt like spring was really here. I went to a few yard sales, grocery shopped, did some clean up and cooking, spent an hour doing yard work, then began reorganizing my office/art room once again. Spring must be here when I get in this mood.
This evening I went to dinner with friends Mary, Don and Jennifer before we went to El Camino College to see the twins, Elena and Emily, in Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Mary and Don are the twin's grandparents. Several friends and their grandkids also attended. Here's the girls after the performance. When the TV series Providence first began, the twins played Joanie's baby, two seasons, I think. Then they were replaced with another set of twins. Twins are often used to play one baby or child. Both of them sing beautifully in a local children's choir and it looks like they might be hooked on theater.
Joseph runs for several more performances. If you live in Los Angeles, I'd sure check out this company doing a masterful Joseph. It actually is amazing. I saw this one other time, probably in the late 1970s, but I'm older now, more appreciative, I think. And I have a hunch I'll be able to say in not too many years that I knew Elena and Emily when----