Won't You and Your Pets Join Animal Writes?” That was my invitation on July 23. The first in the series was Smith Kaich Jones’ "Story of Bob" posted on Aug. 21. Hopefully you will want to include your pet sometime, living or passed over. Just comment here or send me an e-mail.
The second entry is the story of Joyce S. from Massachusetts and her late cat Chloe. I wrote about Joyce in An Example of Strangers Are Friends We Haven't Met Yet when she visited me in Redondo Beach a few weeks ago.
I finally moved into a place where I was allowed to have pets, I knew I wanted
to get a cat. It was April, 1995, and the cat was to be a birthday
present. My mother, friend, Jeanne, and I went to the Massachusetts SPCA
to look at the kitties. I saw Chloe that day, but I did not choose
her. She had a chopped off tail and that put me off a bit at the
time. I chose a beautiful, purring, fluffy orange cat, who I was to name
"Butterscotch." All the arrangements were made and I was
holding her, when they decided to recheck her for ear mites. At that
point, they realized she had a big cut from having been in a fight. They
would not let me have her, as she might have rabies. I cried, and cried,
and cried, and cried. I had already fallen in love with her, and they
would not let me have her. We went away and didn't go back there for
another week. My Chloe stayed there for another week. The following
Saturday, we went back, and we got Chloe (and Amber, my tortoise shell kitty
who died several years ago now). They were both birthday presents, one
from my mother (Amber) and one from our friend, Jeanne (Chloe).
was named, "PK" at the shelter. I think that might have stood
for "Pretty Kitty," and she was gorgeous. I kind of wanted to
name her, "Peanut Butter, Chocolate, Marshmallow Fluffy Kitty," as
she seemed to me to be a beautiful compilation of such colors and flavors, a
beautiful sundae kitty. Amber was, "Amber Pamber, Puddin' &
the beginning, I used to call Chloe my "hurry up kitty," as she
used to run to the kitchen in the morning when I got up. One of her
dearest traits was to put her cold little nose into the corner of my eye if I
was upset or crying. The three of us lived five happy years together
in that apartment. Then I moved into a condominium, in 2000. At
around that time, two things happened. Chloe was diagnosed with diabetes,
and a new kitty joined our family. He started showing up on the deck
outside. He was a scrawny, scrappy, guy, who kept coming back.
One day, my vet was coming to the house and I decided if he made an appearance
that day, I would have him checked out by the vet. He was okay/no
diseases, and so he got neutered and became my third kitty. This
didn't go too well with Amber and Chloe, but it was too late. He had
endeared himself. His name is Topaz.
needed insulin twice a day and special foods. We did eight years of
management of the diabetes, with some crises and hospitalizations along the
way. I figure in the end she may have costed more than $10,000!
(Worth every penny.) She became quite chubby over the years. She
never minded the insulin. She was an angel. This summer, she
started to get sick and was diagnosed with kidney failure. I tried
hard to help her get well, giving her subcutaneous fluids every night, but
she stopped eating. The last thing she ate was a few licks of tuna off my
fingers. We did our fluid routine nightly. I was supposed to go
away for a week for a conference at Cape Cod on a Sunday. I did not
go. She was too sick. I agonzied over how long to let this go
on versus when to have to make the dreaded decision to let her
go. Anyone who has been through this knows the agony. We had a
last long weekend together, the weekend of July 4, a three-day weekend when we
spent lots of time just cuddling on the couch. The time came. I
scheduled the vet to come the following morning. The night before, I
thought I might have waited too long. She hadn't made it to the
litter box and had a wet bottom. (Cats don't do this!) I called the
vet, crying. I gave her her fluid bolus, and she did a little
better. The vet came the next morning. It was a nearly unbearable
feeling to let her go. My beloved, my sweet peanut butter, chocolate,
marshmallow fluffy kitty.
In memory
of Amber, Pamber, Puddin' & Pie, and my sweet, gorgeous fluffy kitty, Chloe
Thanks, Joyce for sharing Chloe with us. Who wants to be next at "Animal Writes?"
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