This weekend I couldn't stop thinking about sacred ordinary and how it is a lifestyle many embrace. My weekend art buddies and their creations were classic examples of sacred ordinary. My art workshop is over this Sunday morning and I'm hanging in the commons where there is Internet until the witching hour when the stores in Port Townsend open. I have a favorite jewelry supply place I like to visit. In a few hours I'll head back to Tumwater to tell my sister about my adventures, which are a mystery to her. Why would anybody want to play in paint all weekend?
Tracy Moore took this photo of me struggling at my workspace, but enjoying it all immensely. My hand-bound journal I made is 20 pages long and though I worked on nine pages, I never totally completed one. But, I learned dozens of techniques I had not learned before and can hardly wait to get home to continue creating. I longed for some of my own supplies which I do have in abundance at home.
These are two of the pages that Teesha Moore, one of our teachers, worked on herself all weekend. She and her husband Tracy periodically gave brief technique presentations and then we would go back and practice. They provided all our supplies and we were able to experiment with all kinds of pencils, pens, oil pastels, air brushing, and photo altering supplies.
Here is a close up of another work-shopper I took close up. She's got a style that is more akin to my own. On a workshop like this, the important thing, however, is to learn the techniques and style of the teacher and when you get home, you can adapt it to your own.
And then there was the field trip into Port Townsend to the Akamai Art and Glass Supply where most of us bought a lot of supplies to take home. I live in a big city where you can buy almost anything, but this store was absolutely unique--and I got several referrals to places in L.A. to get "stuff"--should more be needed. My suitcase is going home considerably heavier than it was when I came to Port Townsend last Thursday. Yes, it was a sacred ordinary weekend and I'm praying for a safe journey to Tumwater in the rain. I wonder what movie my sis has picked out for us tonight?