That's something all long-time bloggers deal with, I think. My life, all in all, is what I call "a little life" in the scheme of big things. I somehow feel more pressure to write "interesting" stuff on Sacred Ordinary, but on Facebook I just post, bing, bang, thank you mam. Who cares? No one is more judgmental about what I bring to the blogging world than I am, but I've always said Sacred Ordinary is part of my writing (and art) practice. It's a way I track my life for myself for more than for anyone who does visit here.
But, here are the stats, which is astounding even to judgmental me. I have been blogging here since Nov. 2003. I have written 2130 posts and received 7378 postable comments, although my stuff is not interesting or compelling enough to garner many comments. You also have to be a blog walker who leaves comments on others blogs to increase traffic, or write really controversial material. I do follow a half dozen or so blogs regularly but rarely do I post about controversial subjects.
So, here a few photos from my "little life" the past two weeks. You can enlarge them by double clicking.
A man was wearing this tee-shirt at a library event I recently photographed and since I am Episcopalian now, I got a big kick out of the words.
I posted some of my Mother's Day photos on Facebook, but didn't here. This blog is linked to Facebook and Twitter, so what I say here also goes there. I call this Happy Cousins. That's Whitney, 23, Henry, 8, and Fritz, 7. Henry had just lost another tooth and the tooth fairy had visited. By the way, my granddaughter graduates with her RN from Harbor College on June 6. Proud grandma here!
For those of you who know me well, I am a faithful volunteer at the Peninsula Friends of the Library of the Palos Verdes Library District--and have been about five years. Why, you ask? You're still working a paying job three days a week. It's because of this woman, Pat, who has been a dear friend for a long time and is one of the queen volunteers for the district. She talked me into serving on the Malaga Cove Advisory Committee and then on the used book sales. Next thing I knew I was also the Communications Chair for the Friends of the Library. What a blessing it is to do community service at this library--and with Pat.
And this exquisite rose in my patio is one of many on my $1.99 miniature rose bush from Trader Joe's that I bought at least six years ago. Each year I sit in front of it in amazement. I love to garden and putter in the garden--and to write in the garden. When I am off work this summer, I will launch into "real" art projects in this beloved summer space where I keep an art table folded up for good weather. Art journals and collage are great indoors all year round but the larger collages and assemblages are better outside. By the way, my gardenia bush now has eight flowers, the star jasmine is dripping with pungent blossoms, the white lilies are blooming, and the bouganvillea has come back. Lordy, how I love my living space and garden.
So, there's a few highlights from my "little life," which I am so grateful for.