Since late last night, my Internet slowed down to a snail's crawl. I'm fairly savvy about computers so I've done everything under the sun I could think of and determined it was Verizon. Did I mention I am not an extremely patient person? But, I am extremely tenacious. I won't send a postcard screen shot of me this afternoon; it was not paradise! But yesterday I did take several shots of my patio and garden which is my little paradise. I'm glad I did it then because now the wind is very wicked! But, Verizon tech has me up and running and are sending a new modem. It seems the six-year-old one I have is petering out.
Villa Redondo's Blue Paradise Patio
Angelic paradise petunias.
Buddha in blue.
Look closely in the blue gazing ball and you will see me in my bathrobe with camera.
Blue pottery with yellow something-or-others.
I have a white wicker chair waiting for you so you can experience Redondo Beach blue.
Thanks to Rebecca at Recuerda mi Corazon for giving Postcards from Paradise a home.