Today is the last day of August, and the final day of official "summer" for me personally. I returned to my three-day-a-week job today, and my routine will soon fall into place. I function best in routine, I'll admit, but I love summers and daylight savings. It's getting dark earlier and earlier and tonight I had to wear a jacket to walk Mollie.
Tonight I'm burning some DVDs of my recent trip to Washington and Canada which brings back a ton of memories. When you travel like we did, where we tried to fit as much as we possibly could in each day, it's later, looking at the photos, and the journals, that memories come pouring back.
This photo was taken at Hurricane Ridge in Olympic National Park in Washington a few weeks ago. My daughter-in-law, my two grandsons, Mary Lou and I went there together and up there there was still snow. The deers at Hurricane Ridge are so accustomed to people that they don't spook easily.
Zachary, five, who is on the left, started kindergarten in Port Angeles yesterday and I am anxiously awaiting word and a photo of what that was like.
This sunflower, complete with bee, was taken in the St. Anne's School gardens in Victoria. We saw so many spectacular gardens on this trip and back home my gardenias and one rose bush are in a second bloom. When things are yukky this winter, I'll look at my few hundred garden photos over and over again.
And this is sweet Preggers, Laura and Joe's kitty cat, who I probably saw for the last time. She has kidney failure, but is still eating some and loves her bed on top of the dryer. She has had a marvelous life at Lake Dawn as an outdoor cat. Preggers, you sure captured my heart over the years.
But, we hopefully have several years left to enjoy dear Elowa, Laura and Joe's dog--a magnificent animal who tolerates little boys from infancy, toddlerhood, and school years better than any dog I've ever known.
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