What a delightful morning we had at the annual family day celebration at the school where my grandsons Henry and Fritz go--and where I work. Henry is in third grade and Fritz is in second, at least for a few more weeks. Here are some photos to enjoy for those who know my family. It is so great being a grandparent--six times, ages 26 down to 4. When I was parenting my own three kids, I was so involved that I often didn't appreciate "the drama of daily life" like I wish I had. As a grandparent I can.
Grandma, Henry, Fritz, Aunt Christy, daddy Tony.
Is it possible that Fritz might be the next Jackson Pollock?
This is Henry's recycled, fantasy animal in the science lab.
Fritz shows Aunt Christy and dad his Kid Pix project.
And here's is one of Henry's poems, a portrait in words.
I know I'm a doting grandma, and probably boring you all, but at my age, I can revel in pretty much anything I want--and the lives of my grandkids are darned important.
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