At Rebecca's Recuerda mi Corazon blog today it's Monday With Mary. Rebecca features a deeply sorrowful Mary and going with the theme of sorrow and sadness, my creation this week is a SoulCollage® card. She is in the Council suit and I call her Our Lady of Sorrow.
In our life journeys, there are peaks and valley, joy and sadness, just like Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us. Though all of us would like to stay continuously happy, life just doesn't work that way. Acknowledging the light and shadow in life is imperative. I particularly like Fr. Richard Rohr's referral to necessary suffering in his Falling Upward book I'm currently reading.
This SoulCollage® card breaks the suggested guidelines because you see words as well as images. Ideally cards have only images because when words are introduced, the brain responds differently. But, for some reason, I wanted this background for this image. I am the one who can dwell in sorrow beyond the shadow and I compensate (overly sometimes) by having my public persona be happy and optimistic. I am very conscious of my need to find balance.