Garbology: Our Dirty Love Affair With Trash is a best selling book written by Pulitzer Prize winning author Ed Humes. I can't recommend this book enough. Humes was a speaker at the Penisula Center Library of the Palos Verdes Library District two weekends ago. The book sounded complicated and I initially thought it was going to be a tough read--and, my book club had it for our October selection. I'm the facilitator. Yikes. I'm glad I got to hear him speak prior to reading the book. I'd like to think I'm pretty "green," but I quickly learned I have a very long way to go.
Below are two photos of Humes graciously signing books at the event and that second photo is him signing my copy of the book.
Because I read this book, and because I learned so many new things, I prepared several possible links the book club might want to research. In case you're interested, I'm including them here. By the way, the word garbology is a real word in the dictionary now.
Garbology Facebook Page - I immediately liked this page and find interesting tidbits in my feed.
Edward Humes Home Page - As you'll see, Humes has yet another book coming out now.
Puente Hills Landfill - Did you know that Los Angeles's Puente Hills Landfill is the largest landfill in the United States, rising 500 feet high and covering 700 acres? Puente Hills accepted four million tons of waste in 2005. It closes this month.
Recology - San Francisco Landfill Artist in Residence Program - There are many good things that come from trash, and as an artist myself who uses mostly recycled items, this program intrigued me.
San Francisco Gallery Crawl - More interesting information about Gallery Crawl in San Francisco where landfill art is featured.
Magazine article from Atlantic Magazine about the Puente Hills Landfill
Wasteland, a Documentary About Landfills – I checked this out from the Palos Verdes Library District, but it is also available streaming on Netflix. Can't recommend this film enough.
So, I can only hope you like this book as much I do.