This is a SoulCollage® card I am calling "The Extinction of Honeybees" and I am unsure what suit to place the card in. Perhaps it should go in the Community suit because I want the honeybees to be part of my everyday life as a symbol of my interconnectedness with everyone, with everything. This was one of four cards I created this week. I was on a roll.
Artist Winifred Brewer's Bee series caught my attention last weekend at the Brewery Art Walk. On her business card it said, "If honeybees become extinct, human society will follow in four years--Albert Einstein."
The I Am The One Who statements central to SoulCollage® are as follows:
I am the one who has a long history of bee connection. I was raised on one acre of land in Sunland, CA and my mother raised berries of all sorts to sell in the local grocery store. I was aware that the bees were crucial to the success of her crops. But, the bees built a hive in our chimney and they were forever actually coming into the house. I was often stung, but I was the one who stepped on a live bee inside the house one 4th of July and had a bad reaction. Ever since then, I've had a fear of bees. Once while hiking with young children in Mammoth by the Indian Caves we apparently disturbed a hive and they attacked one child who promptly leaped into Mammoth Creek. I managed to get him out and brought him and the other five kids back to the campground to his mom; fortunately he did not have an allergic reaction though he was stung multiple times. I felt so terribly responsible and, dualistically, grateful that the experience wasn't worse.
Then in 2010, I wrote a post called "The Secret Life of Bees" on Sacred Ordinary as I had a hive in my yard that had to ultimately be removed and I was heartbroken that the bee woman had to destroy it. Four years later, I would not have used that alternative. I now know that there are companies in the Inland Empire who will come and get the hive and bring it out there intact.
I am the one who currently has "Bless the Bees: The Pending Extinction of Our Pollinators and What We Can Do to Stop It" on my Goodreads to read list.
This particular SoulCollage® card really got me thinking, moreso perhaps than any of the others I've created over a 10 year span.
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