Artist and art teacher Rebecca Brooks of Recuerda mi Corazon blog started her annual 12 days of Mary posts beginning Dec. 1 that I have so enjoyed participating in for the past three years. This year she calls it Loving Lupita Twelve Days of Mary Love. I didn't realize this was happening until yesterday, so now I'm going to play catch-up. Rebecca posted:
in 2010 i began a virtual pilgrimage.
i was very cheeky and called this
a virgin a day.
my intention;
to begin each morning with a heart for mary,
a way of igniting mine by honoring hers;
culminating on her feast day december 12.
i hoped this simple gesture would align the
scattered hurried days of december with an all prevailing light;
a stillness of devotion, a tide of love,
a reawakening.
this morning humbled i begin once more;
i hope you will join me.
I personally have had a strong affinity for Mary ever since I converted to Catholicism at the age of 21, but the last 25 years the focus has become more on what I call the divine feminine or femmage. Both my Pinterest , SoulCollage® and Polyvore art and expression sites reflect this, and most of my mixed media art and art journaling has a feminine component.
So, for day one of Loving Lupita, I am posting a recently created Polyvore set I call “Every Woman is a Madonna.”
Visit Rebecca’s site to see what others are posting and perhaps you would like to post something daily yourself.
I've been away from blogging so Loving Lupita is jump-starting me again.