I created this SoulCollage® card several years ago and made it into a Christmas card that year. After creating SoulCollage® cards, they are put into suits and we write IAOW statements, “I am one who---“. Our Lady is in my Council suit. My cards usually have several layers, but this one is simple. “I am one who brings peace to the world, Our Lady says. And I say, thank you Seena Frost for developing this process that I have used for 13 years. And thank you to the team that continues to introduce SoulCollage to the world."
I took the facilitator training for this method in 2004 and was so blessed that Seena Frost was there. She died in January of 2016. If you are interested in learning this method on your own, or you want to take a workshop just click on the SoulCollage link above. As I type this blog entry today I watched one of the videos where she narrates an overview of the process.
To see the creations of other participants in 12 Days of Mother Love visit Rebecca Brooks at Recuerda mi Corazon.