La Morenita, by Adry del Rocio
I found this painting at a website called Global Worship and next found Adry del Rocio’s blog where there are many photos of her creating art and out and about in her community. Google Images also has a treasure trove of photos. Now my appetite is whetted to find out more about her and her work. I just fell in love with this particular painting. If you visit her blog, be sure to read her artist statement and ask Google to translate if you don't read Spanish. Her words are filled with so much passion--like our own dear Rebecca's.
Please join us at Rebecca Brooks 12 Days of Mother Love at Recuerda mi Corazon. It is time consuming to participate each year, but it also has deepened my connection with Mary and the divine feminine. I so look forward each of the 12 days to see what the other participants are sharing.