On the writer's listserv I belong to, some of the members have joined Dawn DeVries Sokol's NaNoJouMo November a page-a-day art journal project. I started yesterday, one day late, but I'll make up for it. For the past several weeks I haven't been working in my art journals much, although I have had a resurgence in writing in my regular handwritten journal. Perhaps you would be interested, too. It runs parallel to NaNoWriMo, the November novel writing challenge that I have participated in twice before.
This what Dawn says about NaNoJouMo: "This November, you will see the return of NaNoJouMo to D’Blogala. What is it, you ask? Well, let’s take a trip down Memory Lane, to the post two years ago that started it all:
I was just contemplating my own version of NaNoWriMo. (For those of you unfamiliar with this term, NaNoWriMo is held during the month of November, encouraging writers everywhere to write a 175-page novel by midnight, Nov. 30.) At first I thought of NaNoCroMo, where I would crochet a certain amount every day during November...I think I will try to do that, but I’m also starting NaNoJouMo, an idea borne out of a Twitter conversation between myself and Pam McClung and brought to fruition here...It stands for National Nonstop Journaling Month!
Each day during November, I will post a word to get you art journaling. A journal jump of sorts—one word a day to inspire or get you thinking. The goal is to journal SOMETHING in your art journal. DOESN’T HAVE TO BE A FULL PAGE...can be a doodle, maybe painting some backgrounds, doing some collage...just SOMETHING every day in your art journal during November. Even if it’s just moving a pencil across the page in a crooked line...
Nothing earth-shattering.
You may say, “Dawn, WHY should I do this?”
Well, I know some of us (many, let’s be honest) have a difficult time getting started. Sometimes we just need a kick in the pants to encourage us. I also want you to learn how to journal a little at a time. Art journaling is an activity that can be done in spurts. You don’t have to create an entire page or spread in one sitting. I have pages in all stages of production! And it’s OK!
So get out that handmade journal, Moleskine, notepad, composition notebook, or whatever you’re using as your art journal right now. If you have several in the works, that’s OK, too! You can pick a different one each day! Just get ready to art journal."
There is also a Flickr group to post your pages resulting from NaNoJouMo!
Dawn's prompt yesterday was possibilities and here is my Nov. 2 art journal page.
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